Purpose Vol. XII.Nos. 3 & 4: July – December 1940


Symons, W.T (editor); Eliot, T. S. (The Poetry of Yeats); Auden, W. H.; Spender, Stephen

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(64pp.) In addition to the text of the first annual Yeats lecture delivered by Eliot to the Friends of the Irish Academy at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin Eliot contributes a review on the anthropologist, J. D. Unwin’s Hopousia. Other reviews include those by Herbert Read on Arthur Waley’s Three Ways of Thought in Ancient China & Edwin Muir on Pound’s Cantos LII – LXXI, Auden’s Another Time & Barker’s Lament & Triumph. Spender contributes Some Notes on being a Poet Today & Auden’s A Literary Transference is on his own poetic influences. Text-block re-glued into covers which had split at the spine.