Showing 1–24 of 31 resultsSorted by latest
Ponce, Liliana; Shea, Michael Martin (translator)
Diary / Diario
£12.00 Add to basket -
Gonzalez, Wingston; Noel, Urayoan (translator)
No Budu Please
£12.00 Add to basket -
Heller, Ben A.
Assimilation / Generation / Resurrection: Contrapuntal Readings in the Poetry of Jose Lezama Lima
£15.00 Add to basket -
Shewring, Walter
Translations and Poems
£12.00 Add to basket -
Rothenberg, Jerome (editor); Snyder, Gary; Apollinaire, Guillaume; Sinopoulos, Takis; Creeley, Robert; Grass, Gunther; Neruda, Pablo; Antin, David; Huidobro, Vicente; Baron, Beatrice
Poems from the Floating World: Volume 2
£25.00 Add to basket -
Maria, Manuel
Antoloxía Poética
£25.00 Add to basket -
Moro, Cesar; Ward, Philip (translator)
The Scandalous Life of Cesar Moro in His Own Words: Peruvian Surrealist Poetry (Oleander Modern Poets, 6)
£30.00 Add to basket -
Martin David
Battlefields and Girls: Poems
£32.00 Add to basket -
Skyrme Raymond
Ruben Dario and the Pythagorean Tradition
£35.00 Add to basket -
McBride John & Vangelisti Paul (editors); Fortini Franco; Campo Christina; Hirschman Jack; Blaga Lucien; Benjamin Walter; Dib Mohammed; Campert Remco; Pasolini Pier Paulo; Rilke Rainer Maria et al.
Invisible City Number Fifteen: February 1975
£12.00 Add to basket -
Riba Carles; Gili J. L. (translator)
£50.00 Add to basket -
Bronowski J.
Spain 1939: Four Poems
£100.00 Add to basket -
Mogridge Basil (editor)
Reenbou: Plurilingual Poetry Magazine No.1, Dec. 1979
£8.50 Add to basket -
Susanna Alex; Attala Jenny; Boran Pat; Boyd Stephen; Curtis Tony; Dorgan Theo; Herbert Bill; O'Malley Maray & Puig Eugenia (translators)
Entering the Cold: Translations from the Catalan
£9.00 Add to basket -
Buck Paul (editor)
Spectacular Diseases Issue No.7: Latin America
£10.00 Add to basket -
Bravo Fernando Garcia: Ferrera Luis Reys & Lovelock Yann (translators)
The Tracks of the Dead
£10.50 Add to basket -
Zeller Ludwig; Moritz A. F. & Zeller Beatriz (translators.); Oveido Jos? Miguel (introduction)
The Marble Head and Other Poems
£10.00 Add to basket -
Rudolf Tony (editor); Bonnefoy Yvesal-Qasim Samih; Vinkourov Yevgeni; Sena Jorge de; Gjuzel Bogomil; Popa Vasko; Heine Heinrich; Kalevala Xix; Cose Di Certe; Herbert Zbigniew; Rivero Isel; ; Zach Natan (contribute)
menCards 1-12 (a set)
£8.00 Add to basket -
Thomas Dylan; Pujals Esteban (selecci?n version y pr?logo)
£95.00 Add to basket -
Machado Mary
El Triunfo de la Vida/ Alive in Spite of
£25.00 Add to basket -
Wolske Antonio Mendoza
Partitas: Textos 1982-84
£12.00 Add to basket -
Martinez y Hernandez Eduardo
El Nino y Yo
£10.50 Add to basket -
Pasquale Roberto di
Las Alusiones
£10.00 Add to basket -
Satterthwaite Julian
The Advent of Cubism
£25.00 Add to basket